About me

I received my Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Iowa State University in 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Leigh Tesfatsion and Prof. Zhaoyu Wang. I joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North China Electric Power University as a tenure-track assistant professor in the Fall semester of 2023.

Research Interests

My research interests lie in the intersection of optimization, learning, and control for smart grids and smart cities. I am passionate about developing and applying foundational theories and advanced algorithms, based on operations research, learning, and control, to design intelligent decision-making strategies for a range of power system challenges, such as optimal power flow, the integration of renewable energy sources, and decarbonization. In addition, I am broadly interested in data-driven decision-making and control, distributed optimization and learning, online optimization and learning, robust and stochastic optimization, etc.

Currently, my group is focusing on:

  • Online Feedback-based Decision Making in Power Systems
  • Power System Modeling, Estimation, Identification
  • Electricity Market, Transactive Energy Market, and Demand Response
  • Power System Reliability and Resilience
